In today's profit-driven market, every team needs to tie their work back to revenue. For Customer Success (CS) teams, this often means owning renewals and expansions or proving the value of CSMs through KPIs compared to accounts without CSMs. Recently, a new approach has gained traction: monetizing CS.
We brought together three angels (Alex, Charlie, Brian) who have embarked on this journey to discuss the hotly debated topic and answer the question: Should You Monetize CS? 🤔
What You'll Learn:
💡 How companies like GoCardless and Cisco have successfully monetized CS
🛠 How to determine whether you should monetize CS
🔮 The advantages and hurdles in monetizing CS and how to overcome them
Don't miss this chance to gain valuable insights and actionable strategies to ensure your CS team is a revenue driver! Thank you to our sponsors at RevSetter for helping us pay it forward!
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